

8 Ocak 2013 Salı

Introducing Rize Province 8

Rize Province in the west of Trabzon, Erzurum and Bayburt south, east, north, the Black Sea is surrounded by the provinces of Artvin. Rize province area of ​​3920 km ². Rize is a very rugged and mountainous terrain with a coastline length of 80 km, the width ranges from 20-150 meters. Lowlands along the coast of the silt carried by rivers. Rize High off the beaches of the coast is usually simple görünüğe. Taraçalara be found in places along the coast and cliffs. 150-200 meters, which rises just behind the hills to the coastline. Into the Black Sea from the rivers of this area creates a narrow and deep valleys.
Steep "V" profile and this will continue until the valleys to a height of about 2000. Sections with a height of 2000 meters and then flattened to a height of 3200 m ridges, steep slopes, "U" profile is located in the valleys. This site is located in a large number of ice-trough, and moraine lakes in the set. Altitude 3000 m. areas exceeding the steep parts of the territory is Rize. In this area the highest point of Rize, which is located in the top of the Kaçkar.

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