

8 Ocak 2013 Salı

Introducing Rize Province 2

Kaçkar Mountains northeast of Anatolia and the Black Sea is quite steep terrain are not established with sufficient information about the history of Rize. Agglutinative language first of the tribes living in the region of Rize, Asyanik tribes. BC for the first time the name of the region to pass a written source Became the 8th century. Age in the region date to the start of a, for the first time that the region is with a written sources. Therefore, as for the first Çoruh lengths and Rize region, Urartu II.Sardur 's, M.Ö.765 of Kars in north, the rocks above the kazdırdığı Cildir Stone Bridge Village of Lake in the south of the cuneiform inscriptions,' Kulki / Kulkha 'In the past, after the Greek sources, the' Kolk-Koldit'lerden are discussed. This cuneiform inscription, written in the name of the region where the source is passed for the first time.

Alexander the Great, king of Persia III. Obtained by the Anatolia domination BC Defeated Darius Took up to 323 years. After the death of Alexander in the satraps and commanders in the wars between the interests and sovereignty, which declared independence Mitridates Kitistes, extends to around the Black Sea coast of Sinop has established the kingdom of Pontus. BC, king of Pontus Farnakes Rize 180, the occupied territory of the kingdom. Rize region later after Christ In 10 years, came under sovereignty of the Roman Empire. Rize after the split of Rome and its environs remained in Byzantine territory.

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