

8 Ocak 2013 Salı

Introducing Rize Province 12


Houses in the eastern Black Sea region due to the geographical structure, usually on the slopes, scattered, often in the family for a few housed in groups, sometimes one to two miles away from each other are located.
Scattered on the slopes and hills, green forests and a handful of integrated settlements, and sometimes even individual homes is an exciting image. Despite these exciting images that much more difficult to reach these homes. Generally, the houses can be reached walking on uneven trails.
Rize home architecture and stone used as building material is usually ahıap. In addition, a brick, albeit a small number of materials are used.
Region has a unique architectural style of houses and mountain homes. This style, ahıap weighted foundation stone of a type of structure is sitting on. Eastern Black Sea region in the past, especially in rural areas were being built houses stuffed with a mixture of stone and ahıap. The region of Rize and Trabzon and Giresun region which is common in this type of construction was carried out using more wood.
Wood as a building material readily available and easily processed, has been chosen for the first. Although there is a very rich flora in the forests of pine as a building material, spruce, beech wood, such as the widespread use of resistant species. Coastal parts of the chestnut, pine close to the inner parts of the environment can be achieved because of the most preferred building material. In addition, a walnut, oak, elm, is less in the hardwood species are given.

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