

8 Ocak 2013 Salı

Introducing Rize Province 11


Vegetable and fruit production in the region, as well as two important sources that shape people's cuisine, seafood and animal products. One of the first things that came to mind the Black Sea "anchovy" is. In particular, including anchovies, seafood cuisine Rize place is indisputable. In addition, villages and highland tea cultivation is not possible in foods of animal life, which is the main production activity enriches the culinary culture of Rize.
Çaycılıktan grape growing and grape production is made in the previous periods were common. With the spread of the cultivation of tea plants, tea places left hanging trees. Today, a small amount of grape growing and grape production, and are limited spaces. (Grape molasses is made out of pears in syrup.) Still maintains the importance of beekeeping in the region. The world-famous "honey" and "Mad Honey" is produced in this region.
Architectural Construction

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