

8 Ocak 2013 Salı

Introducing Rize Province 4


In this region before the conquest of Trabzon Greek Kingdom, Megrel Dadyanı, King of Kartli and Coruh Atabegs a Christian alliance among themselves as a part of this alliance by the Ottoman Empire had patron Akkoyunlu'ları rival. This alliance with the pope's efforts to organize a crusade, and provide support to them, competing with other Turkmen Bey Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire was planning to attack and eliminate. Fatih is aware of this arrangement in 1461 with the brain of the alliance itself out of time to eliminate the Kingdom of Trabzon.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet, Komninoslu Komninoslardan is married and a mother born, Turabozan Tekfurluk Akkoyunlu Sultan Uzun Hasan who was an ally, despite the army of the summer of 1461, the most recent Takvur surrendered without a battle. Previously most of the Greeks in the city and surrounding a portion of the Rum village, migrated to Crimea, where they settled in, the Crimean port city of Venice and the Genoese and taken 1475, when the first revaluation, their "Turabuzoniyan" he is seen writing. The same in 1461, in the east to the far places into his mouth, and in Rize Coruh conquered without a battle, are all here, the newly established "Turabozan Flag" to the başlandı.şehir and towns as a voluntary exile, and Corum, Amasya, Tokat and Samsun in 1464 as the Turks brought exempt from taxes until placed.

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