

8 Ocak 2013 Salı

Introducing Rize Province 14


Whatever the building system and fills the outer wall, roof structures, the establishment of Rize important factor in climatic conditions. Fringes are kept as wide as possible in order to protect the walls from rain. Havalandırmalarla made to the roof, to prevent decay from moisture. May be three or four sloping roof surfaces. Curve of the roof types that create different visual effects, the region in order "saddle", "three shoulder", "four shoulder" is called. The roof, formerly separated by the wooden planks ax (hartama) in a later period, while the coastal areas covered with tiled used
Do not Leave Without
Leaving the highlands,
Ayder going to spas,
16. century Islam Pasha Mosque and seeing the ruins of the Genoese fortress,
Which is an old tradition in the region and especially in the town of Ardesen hunting hawk watching,
Anzer honey tasting,
Do not go back ...

Introducing Rize Province 13

In addition to the wood, less of the presence of stone building material used in the second degree. Moreover, particularly in the coastal part of the roof and chimneys, brick, terra cotta tiles were used, such as. This way it's used in building materials is classified according to the building systems from the simple to the advanced, wood masonry, wood frame and three group had gathered to hash.
Facades of the houses were to the fore with emphasis on architecture and decoration. Houses are usually built in two floors above the basement has been complying with the slope of hillsides. A basement was used as stables. Both in front of the stables of the house are usually entry. Hazelnut Camlihemsin and residences are usually two stall is located in the basement, made of hewn stones over them, flattened arches and vaults are transported. Considering the past, families lived in these houses, the crowd, the barn, they appear of great importance for feeding. Animals are fed by feeders and water troughs in stables drink. Although some of the wood and the floors paved with stone barn is usually used for key material.
Eastern Black Sea houses to houses in other parts of the country varies according to. While the most important rooms in place of the Turkish house, the house of the Black Sea aşhanedir. Aşhane kitchen part of the current sense. Aşhane passed this place everyday life in homes. two side entrance can be accessed at this location, aşhaneyi across the floor with a belt that is located in the hearth. In addition, this space is the place where life and greeting sites, the transition from school shelves with embroidery. In the region, said the stove as a screen aşhanedeki belt. And the low arch in the form of stone. From the top is open and in the middle of a large chimney, where the boiler is on the fire and a thick iron chain hung a large (klemuri) are on the walls. A large carved wooden cupboards and shelves are decorated with expertly. The deeper the color of the chestnut tree is often used as building materials over time.
Life, the center of the house and overlooks the hillside, so the landscape is in open position. In front of the windows, behind a cedar wood usually takes place. Rooms are located to the right and left of life. This is most of the rooms and the bathroom has a fireplace Bursa arch. This feature, Rize region is the same as at home.

Introducing Rize Province 12


Houses in the eastern Black Sea region due to the geographical structure, usually on the slopes, scattered, often in the family for a few housed in groups, sometimes one to two miles away from each other are located.
Scattered on the slopes and hills, green forests and a handful of integrated settlements, and sometimes even individual homes is an exciting image. Despite these exciting images that much more difficult to reach these homes. Generally, the houses can be reached walking on uneven trails.
Rize home architecture and stone used as building material is usually ahıap. In addition, a brick, albeit a small number of materials are used.
Region has a unique architectural style of houses and mountain homes. This style, ahıap weighted foundation stone of a type of structure is sitting on. Eastern Black Sea region in the past, especially in rural areas were being built houses stuffed with a mixture of stone and ahıap. The region of Rize and Trabzon and Giresun region which is common in this type of construction was carried out using more wood.
Wood as a building material readily available and easily processed, has been chosen for the first. Although there is a very rich flora in the forests of pine as a building material, spruce, beech wood, such as the widespread use of resistant species. Coastal parts of the chestnut, pine close to the inner parts of the environment can be achieved because of the most preferred building material. In addition, a walnut, oak, elm, is less in the hardwood species are given.

Introducing Rize Province 11


Vegetable and fruit production in the region, as well as two important sources that shape people's cuisine, seafood and animal products. One of the first things that came to mind the Black Sea "anchovy" is. In particular, including anchovies, seafood cuisine Rize place is indisputable. In addition, villages and highland tea cultivation is not possible in foods of animal life, which is the main production activity enriches the culinary culture of Rize.
Çaycılıktan grape growing and grape production is made in the previous periods were common. With the spread of the cultivation of tea plants, tea places left hanging trees. Today, a small amount of grape growing and grape production, and are limited spaces. (Grape molasses is made out of pears in syrup.) Still maintains the importance of beekeeping in the region. The world-famous "honey" and "Mad Honey" is produced in this region.
Architectural Construction

Introducing Rize Province 10


People's Kitchen, a local people's daily or seasonal (seasonal) food and beverage products hazırlanığını, the consumption of these products or the supply of raw material production, prepared and consumed in their places, and the tools used and also on all the stages of a broad topic that includes the beliefs and values .
Rize area, as in many areas of folk culture, folk culture, cuisine and dining in the 1940s due to economic development efforts began after tea on üreticiliğinin and villages were opened in front of change and innovation. Because this period in urban centers with each other and with the villages, cities and other large cities in the shopping easier (tangible and intangible) had the chance. "Produced in one place, began to be consumed at other locations." Thus, the structure of a closed society began to change in the traditional kitchen layout.
Shortness of agricultural land and climate characteristics of the region because of the limited types of vegetables (corn, kale, beans, squash, etc.) can be grown. possible for a variety of climatic conditions, fruits cultivated areas due to lack of adequate for the horticultural production is generally for domestic consumption. (Apples, tangerines, pears, dates.) The 1990s, the area for commercial purposes "kiwi" was started in farming.

Introducing Rize Province 9

Clothing and accessories used in everyday life varies depending on the time in all societies. This is an inevitable outcome of socio-cultural change. The change, the traditional structure of society, according to the strength and resistance against external influences can be fast or slow.
Accelerate the effect of increasing the cultivation of tea began with the 1950s in the Rize area, towns, villages and the resulting impact on economic development efforts with economic development and modernization of out-migration (technology, communication, literacy ...) in the field as a result of the rapid expansion of traditional clothing style change has undergone.
Today, more traditional (closed) or less to protect the structure of society, towns, villages, families and the community can see the old part. City and district centers and middle belts of the young and modern life of the society is dominated by clothing style. In previous years the majority of the clothes made of fabrics in the region (Rize cloth, Tilo ...) yapılmaktayken purchased fabrics today are more externally
Folk Cuisine

Introducing Rize Province 8

Rize Province in the west of Trabzon, Erzurum and Bayburt south, east, north, the Black Sea is surrounded by the provinces of Artvin. Rize province area of ​​3920 km ². Rize is a very rugged and mountainous terrain with a coastline length of 80 km, the width ranges from 20-150 meters. Lowlands along the coast of the silt carried by rivers. Rize High off the beaches of the coast is usually simple görünüğe. Taraçalara be found in places along the coast and cliffs. 150-200 meters, which rises just behind the hills to the coastline. Into the Black Sea from the rivers of this area creates a narrow and deep valleys.
Steep "V" profile and this will continue until the valleys to a height of about 2000. Sections with a height of 2000 meters and then flattened to a height of 3200 m ridges, steep slopes, "U" profile is located in the valleys. This site is located in a large number of ice-trough, and moraine lakes in the set. Altitude 3000 m. areas exceeding the steep parts of the territory is Rize. In this area the highest point of Rize, which is located in the top of the Kaçkar.

Introducing Rize Province 7

Thus began years of captivity for Rize. This black day for the people of Rize March 2, 1918 until lasted. Greek armed gangs began to emerge after the Russians withdrew. State of the region to establish a Greek-Pontic studies were done. These developments in the field against the Trabzon Eastern Black Sea Region "of Trabzon National Association of Law" is founded. This branch has been established society Rize. 23 July 1919 meeting, the branch on behalf of the Congress of Erzurum Homshetsma Necati Efendi, Abaza joined the Master Rights. 8 December 1922 on the Eastern Front Commander Karabekir Pasha planned to come to Rize Greek struggle against the gangs.
Participated in the National War of Independence written Kuva-Nuke.
War of independence won and the board of the Republic of Turkey, Rize Artvin province took the name combined with Çoruh. Rize Province in April 1924 alone was more then 20. Great leader Ataturk arrived to Rize on September 17, 1924 after an official visit was in the home of Mehmet Mataraci. This house remains open to day visitors as Atatürk's House Museum. Were made for the development of various undertakings in the Republic of Rize. One of them is the time of the Ottoman Government to a foreign firm constructed Adobe Web-Erzurum-Rize highway project. People for many years worked as a volunteer for the construction of this road. Governor A. Ekrem Engur time (1930-1935) to work with new groups were moving ceremony in front of the county. After the introduction of tea production in 1937 increased by local people an economic stake.
Geographical Location

Introducing Rize Province 6


Rize of the outgoing officers Compound Castle in 1640, Evliya Celebi? Right referred to it as: Trabzon connected to the sea, the garden, a beautiful place, he says. Rize Rize is one of the important events in the history of Ayan, Batumi is the event of rebellion and murder of Castle Guard Tuzcuoglu Memis Aga. (1814-1817) of Rize, was the center of the 19th century, we see an accident. 3 March 1878 signed the Treaty of Berlin in the center of Batumi Lazistan left to Russia, Rize became the central flag. 1322 Hijri, the Gregorian calendar dated 1904, with the following information summarizes Buy Rize Trabzon Almanac? R: "Lazistan center of the Sandzak."
In 1914, the Ottoman state I. Conflicts in the east facade of the entry into World War I began, on November 16, 1914, and Ali Riza Bey's militia Borcka Hopa Border Battalion marched on. Turkish army and volunteer militia to provide a great success, but the Russians continuous, coastal settlements and the bombings, the famous ponies and Yavuz ships to stay out of pure, our forces over lack of aid coming until 19 February 1916, withdrew from the Storm River. On March 8, 1916, the Russians were invading Rize. During the war, a Rize türküsünde says:
Ur re ships
Black flag açayi
Seeing Pony
Bradley six fugitives

Introducing Rize Province 5

the second settlement period of Fatih, 1466 in Konya / Karaman after conquering the city and towns, most of the people of Constantinople, the other part of the villagers, and settled in Rumeli Turabozan Sandzak. Rize often placed Kazası'na Turabozan placement into the Sandzak. Therefore, both the Muslim Turks during the housing, where they Kıpçaklı Islamic and indigenous people, become Muslims are caused as a result of comportment. Ottoman tax book, who is Muslim has been pointed out.
In 1486, Fatah held 25 years after the first Turabozan Sancak-Tahrir in Deed Book, current Rize region:
o Rize,
o ATHENS (including Hemşin township),
o LAZLUK (Ardeğen, Vitçe / Hazelnut, Arhavi, Hopa included) connected Turabzon'a showing in three accidents.
Trabzon and Rize, that (Hemsin) "Borna" in the villages and plateaus, which Akkoyunlu'ların queen neck, arm dates from here, which is settled.
Selim, after Caldiran, Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia, conquered, Dulkadirogullari Maras region also eliminated in the principality. Sanchez was in exile, sending many families belonging to this stereotype of Trabzon, placed in the township east of Trabzon, a major part of the Rize region has been inhabited and profits. Today, many families in the Rize area where they are from their grandfather's name, family name for the investigation of these names as we settled in Rize families during the reign of Yavuz Sultan Selim, the governor and they give an idea about geography

Introducing Rize Province 4


In this region before the conquest of Trabzon Greek Kingdom, Megrel Dadyanı, King of Kartli and Coruh Atabegs a Christian alliance among themselves as a part of this alliance by the Ottoman Empire had patron Akkoyunlu'ları rival. This alliance with the pope's efforts to organize a crusade, and provide support to them, competing with other Turkmen Bey Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire was planning to attack and eliminate. Fatih is aware of this arrangement in 1461 with the brain of the alliance itself out of time to eliminate the Kingdom of Trabzon.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet, Komninoslu Komninoslardan is married and a mother born, Turabozan Tekfurluk Akkoyunlu Sultan Uzun Hasan who was an ally, despite the army of the summer of 1461, the most recent Takvur surrendered without a battle. Previously most of the Greeks in the city and surrounding a portion of the Rum village, migrated to Crimea, where they settled in, the Crimean port city of Venice and the Genoese and taken 1475, when the first revaluation, their "Turabuzoniyan" he is seen writing. The same in 1461, in the east to the far places into his mouth, and in Rize Coruh conquered without a battle, are all here, the newly established "Turabozan Flag" to the başlandı.şehir and towns as a voluntary exile, and Corum, Amasya, Tokat and Samsun in 1464 as the Turks brought exempt from taxes until placed.

Introducing Rize Province 3


Georgian King III. George (1156-1184) and Queen Thamara (1184-1212) periods of high position in the area of ​​the Georgian Army and the state has adopted Orthodox Christianity after Kuman Muslim Turks settled in the border regions. Today, living in the mountain villages of this period Kumbasarlar İkizdere of Rize Province in the Georgian army and the aging Queen Thamara by the Supreme Military Command who asked to be taken as a mansion for a game, leaving the area and his shot Kumbasar family were members of the Rize Mountains.
This period is defined as a textile and commercial center of the Greek Kingdom due to an accident but also in Trabzon Rize center (Bandon). Center, Sunday in the territory east of Rize that a separate administrative unit within the borders of the empire. 1458'de Uzun Hasan, Atabek, managed by the hand slipping into the territory of the basin Çoruh İspir region was also subject Akkoyunlular'a after Hemşin region. But the coastal town of Rize and Trabzon Sunday until the land belonged to the Kingdom. When Fatih Sultan Mehmet conquered Trabzon in 1461 in person at the beach until the land Coruh River, Hemşin, including the Ottoman Empire entered the rule.

Introducing Rize Province 2

Kaçkar Mountains northeast of Anatolia and the Black Sea is quite steep terrain are not established with sufficient information about the history of Rize. Agglutinative language first of the tribes living in the region of Rize, Asyanik tribes. BC for the first time the name of the region to pass a written source Became the 8th century. Age in the region date to the start of a, for the first time that the region is with a written sources. Therefore, as for the first Çoruh lengths and Rize region, Urartu II.Sardur 's, M.Ö.765 of Kars in north, the rocks above the kazdırdığı Cildir Stone Bridge Village of Lake in the south of the cuneiform inscriptions,' Kulki / Kulkha 'In the past, after the Greek sources, the' Kolk-Koldit'lerden are discussed. This cuneiform inscription, written in the name of the region where the source is passed for the first time.

Alexander the Great, king of Persia III. Obtained by the Anatolia domination BC Defeated Darius Took up to 323 years. After the death of Alexander in the satraps and commanders in the wars between the interests and sovereignty, which declared independence Mitridates Kitistes, extends to around the Black Sea coast of Sinop has established the kingdom of Pontus. BC, king of Pontus Farnakes Rize 180, the occupied territory of the kingdom. Rize region later after Christ In 10 years, came under sovereignty of the Roman Empire. Rize after the split of Rome and its environs remained in Byzantine territory.

Introducing Rize Province 1

General Information
Area: 3,920 sq km
Population: 365,938 (2000)
Located in the Eastern Black Sea region of Rize, the region shows the most characteristic features. As in other regions of Anatolia, the cultural structure and the structure is divided into geographical. Steep valleys, mountains can be reached peaks, glacier lakes, emerald green plateaus, historical bridges and castles, rushing streams and a very special tourist resort.
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